Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The End of an Era

Preschool. Winslow Kindergarten. Lakeview. Norris Road Elementary. Tyngsboro Jr./Sr. High. Babson College.  17 Years of School has come to an end today.

As I left Tomasso today, I didn't feel the exuberance I had expected to upon completion of my undergraduate career.  Don't get me wrong, it's exciting. But knowing myself, I thought I'd be dancing in the streets.  Three finals stand between me and graduation.  It's the easiest finals have ever been but it's the lowest my motivation has ever been as well. What's keeping me from feeling this excitement of the impending graduation...hmm maybe its because starting June 29th I give my soul up to corporate america? That's got something to do with it. 

First, I must give a shout-out to all the people who have made my "lasts" of college more memorable by haunting my life these past few weeks.  Some of the "lasts" hit home while others were poor attempts to get the waterworks going.  Sure, I'll have my last trim sits in the next week or so. Ya, that's sad and all but my digestive system will thank me for ending that.  I already had my last track practice. and the last time I got ice bags for my shins. and the last set of strides on the upper fields. and the last 1500/800m races of my life.  Looking at these lasts individually, not so upsetting. It's the package deal. I'll know when I'm sitting in a cube for the rest of my life that I'll wish I was out at practice.  These last few nights in McCullough A6 will be painful. Three years of memories in this suite with a different group of girls each time. Not many Babson kids can say they've had that experience. 

Secondly...well that's soon to come.

Monday, April 6, 2009

slacking, even in blogsville...

now I know my blogs are so amazing that people have been like wtf sully, why aren't you posting anymore? (JK. obviously, sarcasm but some of my friends wouldn't put it past me to say such a thing) But from the bottom of my heart, I'm sincerely sorry for being a lazy bum these past 5 or so weeks that I haven't posted. But believe you me, it was not for a lack of bloggin subjects. It's because I have so much to say that I don't even know where to begin. 

brief life update. 
-it is now t minus 39 freakin days! but that's not even the worse part...according to my calculations, i have um SIX days of school left?! how is that possible. well easily, due to the fact i have two workdays a week and there's marathon monday coming up. but good lord. time is flyin. if only i could hire someone to do all the papers i have due btwn now and may 16th.. 
-as most of you recall, last week we had spring break part two: the norovirus vacation. basically, there is a rare virus that started spreading around campus and i'm going out on a limb and saying that it's just some fool that got the disease doing god knows what on spring break. that fool in return probably touched every door nob and cookie at trim dining hall and spread the germs all over campus. now babson looks like a school of kids that don't know hygiene, far from the truth...i hope. the media was all over campus last week (i put in a solid effort to make it on camera but failed, i just wanted to meet someone from Channel 5, is that too much to ask?) the noro soon spread to about 150 kids. 
-what did i learn from the noro? that my immune system is friggen relentless.  my suitemate was one of the first victims of the noro and we live in such close quarters that i have no clue how i dodged it. even about 8 kids on the track team got the noro. according to momma sull, our fam doesnt get stomach viruses easily, which is great news (even though its not even news, its just the facts, that i failed to notice for 21 years). i also learned, that after you wash your hands you must "vigorously" dry your hands with a paper towel (its on every sign around campus). who knew air drying isn't good enough?
-the noro also gave me the opportunity to continue the addiction which began on sb '09. the office. not that I wasn't in love w/ the show before, but my obsession is out of control. started during some jetlag recovery in AZ..and is still going strong.
-spring break: i could write a book on spring break. but im not a great writer so that isn't necessary. quick synopsis: fantastic vaca. katie and i took the vw golf & drove from phoenix to san diego to LA (stopping in laguna, newport beach, el segundo (possible future worksite), bev hills, and stayed in santa monica) we stayed in the "banana bungalow" in san diego right on the sand of pacific beach. it was my first american hostel experience. and in retrospect, it was a great decision. dirt cheap. ocean views. great people, minus a few exceptions. (just a roomate from the marines that sleeps with knives and gets beligerently drunk and a old snoring mexican, nbd) but seriously, go to the banana bungalow if you ever find yourself in PB sd. so worth it for the continental breakfast of sliced bread and peanut butter. after we finished the roadtrip through cali, we soaked up the AZ rays by the pool for a few days. 
-lent update: i'm so close! only 5 more days of no-shopping-hell. It's been a tough 6 weeks and probably the longest amount of time i've gone without a purchase. it's taught me a vital lesson though.  all you have to do to avoid shopping, is shield or divert your eyes as you walk past storefronts and don't take a single step into the shop. easter '09 will be more glorious than ever.
-track update: two meets down. 3 to go. next stop. umass lowell. running the a wonderful 12.5 laps. should be interesting. so this is for you tyngsboro'ers. if your in town for easter, and don't come to ulowell, the whole 10 minute drive it is, i will personally kill you. jk thats dramatic. but seriously. if the sun is shining, then what better place to be than the ulowell track? 

that's enough for now. word on the street is that long blogs are snorer's so i'm cutting down my ramblings as much as i can. (this short enough for your attention span clauds?) until next time folks...